Mission: The Simian Problem: Brown Papoo
Specifications                  [Edit]
Planet:Next Island
Objective:Hunt 250 Brown Papoo
Reward:After all 4 Papoo challenges: Agility (1 point) + Melee Combat (eq. 0.25 PED Implant) or Longblades or Alertness (eq. 0.51 PED Implant)
Mission Broker
Mission Broker:2922-Fyodor
Nearest City:Crystal Peak Teleport
Mission Locations


Papoos are wreaking havoc with the robots. Help Fyodor by hunting 250 Brown Papoos.



2992-Fyodor (137377, 83285)
Hello, <Mr/Ms> <Lastname>. How do you do?
  • How do you do, Mr Fyodor
Please, you do a simple robot too much honor by calling me "sir". I'm just Fyodor.
It so happens that we have a problem with the simians called papoos in the area. They steal our parts and leave messy surprises in our machinery.
I wonder if you could help?
  • What can I do for you?
Let's not mince words: if you could hunt brown papoos, I hope it would scare them off.
  • How many should I hunt?
Let's start with 250. I've heard of places where you are required to hunt more than 16000 creatures to earn your mark, but that's a bit too much, don't you think?
  • Okay, 250 brown papoos it is.
  • Thanks but no.

If you choose 'Okay, 250 brown papoos it is':
Good. There are instructions in your mission log. Good luck
  • Thank you.

On killing 250 Brown Papoo and returning to 2922-Fyodor:
You are back. Did you complete the task
  • Yes
Good. If you complete the other tasks, I will give you a reward.
  • Okay.

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Mission Locations

ContinentLonLatTypeNameDensityLand Area
Next Island13631384306Mission Location The Simian Problem: Brown Papoo 

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