Mission: Iron Challenge: 100 Sumima
Specifications                  [Edit]
Planet:Planet Calypso
Mission Chain:Iron Challenge Sumima
Objective:Kill 100 Sumima
Reward:Athletics (eq. 0.89 PED implant) or Support Weapon Systems (eq. 0.45 PED implant) or Diagnosis (eq. 0.45 PED implant)
Mission Broker
Mission Broker:Dizi


Iron Challenge: 100 Sumima


CFA hosts a series of Iron Challenges.  This stage of the Sumima Iron Challenge is to kill 100 Sumima.



  • Kill 100 Sumima
    • 0 of 100


Mission Chain

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Dizi, Medusa (53439, 69352, 110)

Hello, sweetie.  I take it you're here for the Sumima Iron Challenge?


  • Sumima Iron Challenge? What's that?
  • No, not me.



If you choose 'Sumima Iron Challenge? What's that?':

It's an ongoing event arranged by CFA all over Calypso.  I have two of them, the Scipulor Iron Challenge, and this one, the Sumima.  All you have to do is hunt a hundred of them for stage one.


  • Sounds interesting. I'm in.
  • CFA?
  • Stage one?



If you choose 'Stage one?':

Yes, there are five stages in each challenge.  But we shouldn't rush ahead of ourselves.  Let's start with stage one.  In or out?


  • Okay, I'm in.
  • What's this CFA about?
  • Thanks but no.



If you choose 'What's this CFA about?':

CFA's an abbreviation for Calypso Firearms Association. They're libertarians and think that you should decide what's right for you, and that it should b eup to you to carry a gun or not, not some pen-pusher in an office at Earth.


Anyway, stage one of the challenge is to hunt a hundred Sumima.


  • Okay, I'm in.
  • Stage one?
  • I'm not interested.



If you choose 'Okay, I'm in.':

Shiny! You have the instructions in your mission log!

  • Ok

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