Mission: Basic social information
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Planet:Planet Calypso
Objective:Learn about social functions
Mission Broker
Mission Broker:Port Atlantis Official
Nearest City:Port Atlantis


Basic social information


Learn about social functions



  • Learn about social functions
  • Find the Social building
  • Find the Social Guide




Port Atlantis Official

You are not alone on Calypso. There are thousands of colonists that, like you, have opted for a new life on the Frontier, and there are several tools for making new friends, keeping in touch with them, and socializing.

  • Next: The Chat

Talking to people is the most basic way to make contact.  Don't be afraid ot join in.  Also, there are colonists from all over the world, so don't be surprised if someone is using a foreign language.


(To say something, press Enter to open the input box.  Enter the desired text, and press Enter again.  The text can be seen by all present players within a cetain radius)

  • Next: Channels

There are several channels that you can use to talk to other colonists.  There are channels for team, society, trade, et cetera.  Some of the channels are only used to stream information to you.


You can turn channels off and on by using the top row of colored icons just above the chat box.  You can also select which channel you will speak in in the bottom row of icons)

  • Next: Friends

When you make friends, you often want to keep in touch with them. There is a friends list to help you stay in touch with your friends,  Adding people in your friends list makes it easier to contact them.

  •  Next: Team

To form a team means that a group of colonists band together to work together.  The team has access to their own private channel. Also, whatever spoils they loot can be distributed according to the rules set up when the team is formed.  Teams can be set up anytime.

  • Next: Societies

Societies are more permanent groups than teams. They are formed and handled at the society terminal. A colonist may apply to a society , and may be a member of one society.  Societies can also own land and benefit from its expoitation.

  • Next: Events

Events are competitions that colonists create and sell tickets to. .Other colonists buy a ticket and participate.  If you win, you may win a prize in the event.  Events can be found in the events terminal.

  • Next: Find the Social guide

There is a Social guide in the Social building. She will guide you about the different terminals and the other social options on Calyspo . Why don't you go see her?


She is marked on your satnav and your map if you track this mission.

  • Okay, I will

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